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One Way Links: Factors Essential for Success
Are 'One way links' the secret to obtaining a good "Search Engine Positioning"? You bet. It's undoubtedly a webmaster's pain in the butt, but, a necessary one. Getting good one way backlinks can be a laborious and at times a frustrating process. But not after reading this page! You will learn on this page, proven and not so openly discussed 'Link building' techniques to generate 'One way links' and a 'Link building software' that performs all of the process discussed here, and does the job on auto pilot. You will also find the best 'Link Building Services' in the game. See how getting ONE WAY LINKS is really a breeze! Before reading any further, I urge you to look at this video that explains how to make the Link Building process LEAST painful and MOST effective. YOU will be surprised at what you are going to learn! One Way Links: Topics Discussed on This Page
One Way Link Generation Software: Opt-in, to get onto the priority list, when it opens next to the Public! ![]() >Top< Recommended Link building Services:
So, are you ready? Here you go. The strategies discussed on this page is based on Adam Short's link building techniques. You can download his PDF titled "Underground Link Building" for FREE here. >Top< That's a good question. And I will try to answer that very succinctly. Google and other search engines assign greater value to one way links in their search algorithm, to increase the relevance and value to a searcher. What this means is that, when a user types in say 'Link Building' he/she is served a variety of pages that the engines consider to be most relevant to the search term. There are two factors that determines this: -> Link popularity: Total number of in bound links to your web pages. For example, if your website is say, https://www.marketing-strategies-to-succeed-online.com/search-engine-positioning.html and you have a link to your homepage say, search engine optimization, as anchor text, then your link is valued very highly by the engines, as this is considered very relevant, and, so it is. Links are considered to be spider food which the engines relish. The more it relishes the more you advance in "Search Engine Ranking". But, you should apply restraint when building your backlinks. And you will see why, as you read below. >Top< Essential Steps to Building One Way Links 1) Find Relevant Links: How you define relevancy? The page where your link will appear, either mentions your keyword or a synonym to that keyword. Obtain links from most relevant sites with your target keyword or a related keyword in the anchor.
A word of caution: Restrict your link building activities to appear normal to the engines. Overdo this, and you are at peril. Be realistic. Slow but steady one way links is better than sporadic overly linking. >Top< 2) Anchor Text Variation: Your links with anchor text should vary and appear natural. Meaning to say, do not have all your links with 'Marketing Strategies in anchor. Vary your anchor texts with related keywords and synonyms. Like for example, 'One way links', "Link Building”, ‘Inbound links’ etc.. The reason for this is that, if you have all your in-pointing links with the same anchor text in it, this will be frowned upon by the engines and may even penalize and de-index your site. Try to be as natural as possible. >Top< 3) Deep Linking: Obtain one way links not only to your homepage, but, also to your sub pages.
Why you should have one way links to your inner pages? Here is why: > Links to your inner pages will result in deep spidering by the engines, thereby leading to the engines, finding and indexing more pages a lot quicker. >Top< 4) Unique IP Address: What is that? In short it is like your street address. In cyberspace this is how your website is located and found. By its IP address. You may wonder, "what this has got to do with one way links?" Right? You see, when you have several links pointing to your website and its pages, those links come from several other websites in the cyberspace. The problem with that is, if all the links comes from just one source, then, it will be largely discounted by the engines. Meaning, your links will not have the staying power, to be indexed and ranked. How the engines will know that? By the IP address of your link source. Solution? Get your one way links from different sources. 5) Speed: Slam your breaks and go steady. Make it real and natural. This is a lesson learned by me rather the hard way. It is said, 'Ignorance is bliss'. But, in the world of internet marketing, it is way too dangerous and destructive. >Top< Link Building: Age old wisdom >> Your link building should be slow and at a steady pace. If your website is a day old and you start getting one way links aggressively, this is unnatural to you, me and the engines. >> In my opinion, you should first focus on putting up high value content and should start your link building program only after you have a reasonable number of pages. >> Say about 30 or so pages. And you should get backlinks, say, 10 backlinks a day, for about a month. And those should be from different websites with different IP addresses. >> As your site ages, increase your speed. Do you get my gist? >Top< Therefore, It is highly recommended that, you build your links slowly and at a consistent pace, or speed. The logic behind this rule of thumb is that, a site that is naturally popular will consistently gain new one way links just from people wanting to share what they have found. I know what is in your mind. “How in the world do I build 10-20 links consistently?” “How do you find the time, and the energy, to do that everyday for all of your sites?” Very valid thoughts. Well, the short answer is: Automation and/or outsourcing. If you want to automate the process, then. I suggest you build blogs. Why? Because blogs have something called trackback feature, which allows other bloggers to post relevant articles on their blogs and link to the other related blogs posting that have some authority and link power. This feature is automated in Wordpress. Not many know this and is unused to a large extent. >Top< This provides you with an excellent opportunity to exploit the situation using an automated link building software called "Trackback Spider". So here we are at the end of 'One way links' discussion. I hope that, you have learned some strategies today to exploit the power of one way links. Continue to visit this page and also keep an eye on the links below for more such strategies added from time to time. Here is wishing you all success with your Link Building, >Top< CHEERS!!! Contact Vat Thilek for Questions & Suggestions Return to Search Engine Positioning Return to Guaranteed Search Engine Positioning Return to Marketing Strategies Blog Return from One Way Links to Marketing Strategies Homepage