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Generate Your MLM Leads With Ease!
You know that, 'MLM Leads', are the backbone of your 'MLM Business', to sustain continuity and growth.
Therefore, it is imperative for you, to have a good "Lead Generation" plan or system. As you know, I am involved with "MLM", since 1999, and I am still doing it. I went through hell initially, when I started, and learned quite a lot along the way. You can read about my troubled beginnings and the crowning glory of success, with MLM and my Online life, at, "About Vat Thilek", page. Be ready to shed some tears... So, you are in good hands, and, I will spill everything on this website, the strategies and tools that I use to this day successfully. Therefore, you make yourself comfortable, and get ready to learn everything about this lucrative "Make Money From Home", business model. What You will Get from This MLM Leads Page?This page will focus on the 'MLM leads', and will discuss in detail about the various levels of leads, and the ones' that you should target.
I will also cover some strategies to generate your MLM leads, avoiding the physical and emotional strain associated with the generation of leads, with the old school methods of “Network Marketing”. Ready? Here you go. What You Should Know About MLM Leads?
As you must know, leads are what you will be after in MLM. Your MLM leads should be an appropriate one. You will learn all about MLM leads, as I will go through each level of lead in some detail. You must understand that, a continuous stream of 'qualified' leads, is what is going to drive your 'MLM Business.' Leads are what is going to grow your downline, and it is the leads, that is, going to make you a six figure income earner. >Top< So, "what exactly is a lead?" > A lead is an individual, who has raised his/her hand, indicating an interest in your "MLM Business Opportunity", after seeing your business presentation, either online or in person. Now, there are third party lead generation services, but, you should be extremely vigilant, to not pay an overly price per lead. I have read that, some people place ads for $300 to get some 20 MLM leads. This, in my opinion, is a rip-off. If you are wondering how most of the 3rd party lead generation operates, then, hear it is. These companies charge anywhere from $1 to $6 for a single lead, and provides you with leads, that you are probably sharing with five to ten other individuals, who also purchased MLM leads from the same source. Ask me....I was there too. The leads you get were already approached by scores of people, and, therefore, are not unique to you. The bottom line is that, about 99% lead generation companies gives out a single lead, to, anywhere from 3 to 35 MLM marketers. That's how money is made by them with low cost MLM leads. So, again, a lead is that person who has studied the information about your "MLM Business Opportunity", and has raised his/her hand, by way of interest. >Top< The more information a person is presented with, the higher will be the quality of the lead. Like wise, if a person has spend some money to obtain the information and a complete plan, then, that will be a very high quality lead.
You can hold your breath, till I introduce you to my preferred 'MLM Business'. I am sure, you will be eager and pretty excited to learn about, what I call, the “MLM Business Opportunity” of the decade. Now you know the importance of generating qualified leads, let's discuss the various levels of 'MLM Leads'. By the way, click here to read more about "Lead Generation", covered separately. >Top< What Are The Different Types of MLM Leads? And Which Ones' You Should Focus On?!! In my +10 years of research, studies and experience with "MLM" and “Network Marketing”, I have learned some very important lessons, and some insider secrets and tips, to which, I am letting you in, on this and other related pages. An important thing that I learned is about the types of MLM leads. Now these are some general information about 'MLM Leads', based on my research and experience. They are to be interpreted as only guidelines to help you determine what leads to go after. MLM Leads: Sources & Types ---(1) CD ROM Mailing List and Telephone Book. If you are planning to acquire your leads from these sources, then, you need to stop it, here and now. It's a complete waste of your time. ---(2) Mailing List leads who have purchased something from a different person or have raised their hands indicating some interest before. This is also not recommended, as it requires more work to make them ready and willing. ---(3) This is the category of MLM leads that, most people end up with. You may ask, "What is the problem with this type of 'MLM Leads?" Well, actually nothing, except that, people have shown interest, raised their hands, but, does not really know, much about your 'MLM Business Opportunity'. >Top< Remember that, the more information an individual has, the better the quality of the lead. Are you still with me? Good. This is just confusing in the beginning, later, when you read to the end of this page, every thing will become very clear, and, you will become better equipped in generating top quality leads for your MLM business. ---(4) This category of MLM leads, is what you should be after. Your prospects have seen your MLM business opportunity, read and understood the business plan. Another possibility is that, these are the same people who have worked with you in a different "MLM" opportunity, and now you are inviting them to your current opportunity. ---(5) In this last scenario, your prospect has paid money to receive your 'MLM' information and business plan. This is the best quality of 'MLM Leads' you should aspire for. The last two levels above, are really the ones' that you should be going after, and are of the best quality, especially, if your lead is new to MLM. But, it is also the most difficult to generate, with most of the MLM opportunities out there. "How do I generate the leads?" This is your question, right? There are a couple of "Lead Generation" companies, that will run the list of MLM leads through an approval process, and, share the leads with the other companies, that sell the leads. >Top< The one that I know, is the Opportunity Connection. They provide a level 2 lead (the 3rd category discussed above), if you are looking to buy this type of MLM leads. They are just mediocre leads, requiring more effort and time, to convert them into the last two categories of leads discussed above. Now, many MLM Companies have websites, but, are not capable of generating their own leads. As explained in the "MLM" page, it's crucial to join a well organized, planned and structured MLM business, that will have some marketing and promotional programs, to help generate qualified 'MLM Leads'. Go to "MLM" page to read more about selecting a good MLM business and to learn more about MLM in general. Plus, you must put in place, a sound 'Marketing Plan' to promote your opportunity and generate high quality MLM leads. As of now, there is only one MLM opportunity, that I know of, which has a very different product line-up, requiring no monthly selling whatsoever. It's a one time sale for life time income. A true residual income model. And the best part is that, people who order the product, stick to it, as, a honeybee sticks to the flower. I have discussed more about that in the page titled, "MLM Business Opportunity". Make sure you read .... >Top< Easiest Ways To Generate Your MLM Leads
I will also go over the strategies to convert a low quality lead into a high quality one. One good place to start of, is with a Lead Generation page. Go to "Lead Generation", and learn the basic techniques. You can apply the exact same methods covered there, to generate top quality leads. But, you will require a highly converting website and an opt-in page, to turn your 'suspects' into 'prospects', and then, convert your 'prospects' into customers or business builders. >Top< MLM Leads: Nagging Questions And, if you are a newbie, as they say, or not a tech savvy person, then, you will have the following questions nagging in the mind: ~ How am I going to build a site, if I have not built one before? ~ What are the components required to build and make a site work? ~ Where is the site going to be hosted? ~ How long does it take to create a website? ~ What kind of expenses am I looking for, and going to incur on a recurring basis? If you are like, "OMG", then relax... I will go over the website building process on a separate page, with, options to build your site by yourself or, to outsource the task. I will discuss them on "Website Marketing" page. But for now, your options are pretty much limited to, either, outsourcing the job to a professional programmer, or, learn the website and lead generation page building, from an expert, or, with some good courses. But, "who has the time to learn the website and HTML coding, or, who has that kind of money to outsource the task, especially, for a beginner?" I know, these are the questions, crossing your mind. But, listen, "What if I tell you, there is an easier way, to put up a lead generating website, that will generate top class 'MLM Leads', without your being a techie or a marketing guru?" >Top< Must Have Lead Generation Software I am not quite done here. There will be more strategies that I will discuss separately as days go by, and will be made available to you, on the links below. In my next update, I will discuss the strategies for generating the leads, rather easily and effectively, under the page titled, "MLM Leads-2". Go to Multi Level Marketing Leads-2 page, to read more… And do not forget to read the “Network Marketing”, “Network Marketing Online” and “Network Marketing Business” pages, to get some advanced fusion strategies, that will incorporate the traditional ‘Network Marketing’ with the cutting edge “Internet Marketing Strategies” to get the combined power of Inter(Net)working… So, keep visiting this website as often as you can, and you will discover more strategies and techniques to harvest the highest quality 'MLM Leads' as and when you wish. Also look out for the "MLM Business Opportunity" page that is put up, to learn more on, a unique and one of a kind 'MLM Business'. Here is wishing you all success, CHEERS!!! Contact Vat Thilek for Questions & Suggestions Return to MLM Business Opportunity Return to Multi Level Marketing Leads-2 Return to Network Marketing Online Return to Network Marketing Business Return to Make Money From Home Return to Internet Marketing Strategies Return from MLM Leads to Marketing Strategies