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How to Get Web site Traffic from Social Media?
Welcome to 'Get Web site Traffic' page. You are learning the different strategies to drive "Web Traffic" to your product/service. Each and every strategy is unique and has its own place in your "Marketing Plan". On this page, I will discuss "Web site Traffic Building" using, "Social Media" and the premium 'Social Networking' sites, like, "Twitter", 'Facebook' and 'LinkedIn'. If someone asks you, "How to Get Web site Traffic, easily?" what you will say? "Social Media", of course. How? You just join any 'Social Networking' site and start conversing. Make friends and acquaintances. Get to know them etc. Once you have 'settled in', the next step is to feel the common thread, topic etc. Participate in the discussions, while providing useful suggestions and information. But, there is a whole lot more, than meets the eye. Remember, your ultimate goal is to 'Get Web site Traffic' from these networks. So, you will eventually wear your marketer's hat and make your presence felt on the social networking sites, in a subtle way! How you will do that? That's what you are going to find out on this page! Get Web site Traffic: Topics Covered on This Page Coming up Shortly Web site Traffic Ranking: Lessons Learned from Google! Before we dig into this, here is an opportunity for you to participate in "Web Traffic" discussions... Why should you Join in this discussion? 'Web Traffic Insider Club' Why should you use "Social Media" to Get Web site Traffic? Simple. Because it's the craze now. All marketing efforts are now focused in this space. You should also do the same. Always flow with the tide...not against it! >Top< Top Reasons to Adopt Social Media Marketing to Get Web site Traffic: 1) The World Economy & Politics is influenced by Social Media The bottom line is: Get Web site Traffic from Social Networking. >Top< The next step is to convert your Social Power into Social Currency...$$$ Important Read: Social Media Tools & Resources >Top< > Strategic Web Traffic Techniques to Increase Sales and Profit! >Top< Get Web site Traffic from Key Social Networking Sites As you might know, there are several "Social Media" networking sites. However, you need not focus on each and every one of them. Instead, target those sites, that are the key players. What are the prominent networking sites? 1-> Facebook 2-> Twitter 3-> LinkedIn LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the 'Social Networking' site for the professionals. It has over 100 million business users. It has now become a hiring platform for many organizations. >Top< These things aside, "how will it help me to get web site traffic?" Good question. Do you know that, LinkedIn has over a million business profile pages! Why do you think these business profiles are on LinkedIn? You guessed it right, to attract visitors to these pages. Personally as an 'Internet Marketer', I did not see any measurable success being on LinkedIn. Therefore, I do not have anything much to say about LinkedIn. I will mainly focus on Facebook and Twitter. Your goal is 'Get Web site Traffic' from the above networking sites. How? Simply read this page to the end, and follow the directions. I will be providing some tools as we go, because, without proper 'Tools" and the 'Know-how', you will not get any results. >Top< What results are we talking about? You got it, to get web site traffic from these cool sites. So, here you go. Undoubtedly, "Facebook" is the leading social networking site out there. Therefore, you should also make your presence felt on Facebook. Simple. But, how? That's a topic for discussion, in the near future. I will part with all my knowledge on "Social Media Marketing" one topic at a time. You don't want to miss them, do you? Therefore bookmark this page and pay a visit quite often. This is a living and breathing website, that will be constantly updated with the cutting edge "Internet Marketing Strategies". >Top< It's very easy to be on a Social Networking site, chat with people and make friends. But, it's an entirely different ball game, to market your product/service on Social Media, and get Web Traffic to your site. This cannot be done without proper trainig and tools. A highly recommended and often SOLD OUT training program is, Social Profit Formula. You will be lucky if you find this still open! If not, just sign-up to be notified, when it opens next. It's that worth. >Top< How to Get Web site Traffic from Facebook? What You Should Know About Facebook? Facebook as you know, is the leading "Social Media Marketing" site, as well as a networking site for millions. It's estimated to have over 500 million people. Can you believe that? What does this mean to you? An opportunity to 'Get Web site Traffic' from Facebook. No wonder almost every company is on Facebook, because, it serves as a powerful marketing platform, to grow a community of followers, advocating for your business. The online version of 'Word-of-mouth' marketing. But, to build your community on Facebook is not a simple task. >Top< It requires dedication and willingness to join, share and help folks with fruitful information and solutions to their issues and concerns.
In my future updates, I will be writing on my Facebook strategies, in a very easy and doable steps, that you can simply duplicate. But, for now, I will go over the basic settings to create a Facebook page for your business, to get web site traffic from it. So, are you ready? OK. Here you go. >Top< Get Web site Traffic Tips for Facebook Facebook Marketing: The Insider Techniques Now, you need to wear your marketer's hat, and envision Facebook as your 'Marketing Platform'. Your relationship with Facebook is exclusively to 'Get Web site Traffic'. And the very first step, is to set up your business page/profile on Facebook. I will go over all the steps in detail on a separate page dedicated to 'Facebook Marketing'. >Top< Mean time, here is a very useful video from HubSpot Building your Facebook Business page is one thing, building a 'Facebook Fan Page' is quite something. >Top< Here are some useful resources:
We are not yet done with Facebook. A very important aspect of Facebook marketing is, Facebook ads. This is somewhat like "Google Adwords" ads, but, here your ads will be on Facebook pages, that will get website traffic to wherever you want. Forget Everything You've Learned About Facebook Marketing So, basically, these are the key components to Facebook marketing. And, as mentioned earlier, I will cover the entire strategies on a separate page, dedicated to 'Facebook Marketing'. You don't want to miss on that one, do you? >Top< How to Get Web site Traffic from Twitter? I have covered quite a bit on "Twitter" and "Twitter Marketing". Feel free to visit those pages to get a good idea about this 'Social Networking' site. To get web site traffic from Twitter, you should be good at sending Tweets and sensible ad positioning. Marketing on Twitter can be done through Tweets and Tweet ads. Essential Twitter Reading: > Incredibly Powerful "Twitter" Marketing Strategies and Tools!! Recommended Related Reading: > Learn How Social Media Can be an Effective Marketing Tool? Social Media Tools & Resources I will be covering more on Twitter ads and placements on my coming updates. Stick around for that. >Top< An Important Tip to Get Web site Traffic from Social Media Monitor & Measure your "Social Media" Success You need to measure how successful you are/will be, in getting traffic from the social networking sites. How to do that? -> Listen to the conversations. You need to get involved in these conversations to get a feel of, what's happening? This will give you a good idea about any discussions regarding your product/service. If you sense anything negative, take it in the stride, and try to get more information from the users. Constructive criticism is good. > Provide clarifications and offer useful information/solution to users' concerns or issues. Remember, you can 'Get Web site Traffic' even from negative people, in the form of referrals. Just try to be as much helpful as you can, to address their concerns and fears. It takes a lot of patience and effort to build that initial trust and following. To make things easy and manageable, here are some tools that you can use to monitor your social success. >Top< --> Twitter Strategies: => People send instant messages on Twitter, called tweets, a 140 character length messages. Listen to these tweets and look for any mention of your product/service. If you are just a beginner, then you need to first justify whether, Twitter should be a place to be in. You are ultimately here, to get web site traffic from these networks. Essential Reading: > Incredibly Powerful "Twitter" Marketing Strategies and Tools!! >Top< ONLY for "Web Traffic Insider Club" $ Not just get Web site traffic, rather, explode your 'Twitter Traffic' with 2 Tools & 1 Strategy...! => Use Twitter search, to track the popularity of your target keyword/market, and the competition.
Google Tools to enhance your 'Social marketing' --> Can you Get Web site Traffic using Google Tools? I bet, you can. How? >Top< <> Google Reader & RSS Feeds: What is Google Reader? ---> Simply setup your RSS feed in Google Reader, that will include your target keyword, product/service name or your industry. ---> Once your RSS feed is setup, then, you need to scan the results in the reader. Look for any references to your product name. Do this on a daily basis. You will get an idea, where you stand and how popular your product/service is! I will be covering in depth on RSS and some cool strategies to 'Get Web site Traffic' from RSS feeds and aggregators. In fact, if you are impatient and in a hurry, then, here is a very cool "SEO Software", that will get web site traffic from RSS and other sources, with minimal human effort. >Top< <> Google Alerts: Don't worry about what this is. I will cover some of the powerful "Marketing Tools" from Google, on a separate page, that will help you to 'Get Web site Traffic' from the engines, especially, Google itself. > But for now, understand this. You need to setup multiple Google Alerts for your product, service, target keyword, brand etc. Why? Once you setup the alerts, it will be delivered directly to your email inbox. You may wonder, "What's the big deal?" Listen, it's like having your ears and eyes on the what's happening. >Top< A great marketing intelligence, to help you track references and comments about your brand, and relevant keywords on the net, the 'Networking Sites', blogs and other Web 2.0 sites. All this exercise will drive to 'Get Web site Traffic' to your ideal destination, your website. I will cover more "Social Media Marketing" strategies for 'Facebook' in particular, on my coming updates. It will equip you with the 'Knowledge & Tools' for, 'Facebook Ads' and the strategic 'Ad placement' on your business and fan pages. Facebook Ads Training How did you find the strategies to get 'Web site Traffic' from Social Networking? >Top< Can I have your vote, using the Google + button below? Also, use the "Contact Me" form to write about any specific questions that you might have, on 'Internet Marketing' and "Social Media" techniques. Do not ignore the links below. Take your time to visit them, read and assimilate the various strategies, on related topics, covered in depth separately. Coming Up Shortly: > Unique Web site Traffic Ranking Lessons from Google! Stay in touch, book mark this page and visit them frequently. Better still subscribe to "Marketing Strategies Blog" and stay connected with the most current strategies to attract, convert and retain your web traffic. >Top< CHEERS!!! Contact Vat Thilek for Questions & Suggestions Return to Free Targeted Web Traffic Return to Increase Targeted Web site Traffic Return to Convert Site Traffic Web Return to Build Web site Traffic Return to Generate Web site Traffic Return to Internet Marketing Tools Return to Affiliate Marketing Tools Return to Internet Marketing Course Return to Internet Marketing Training Return to Marketing Strategies Blog Return from 'Get Web site Traffic' to 'Web Traffic' Return from 'Get Web site Traffic' page to 'Marketing Strategies' Homepage